Life is Strange: True Colors – Xbox One Price in Dubai, UAE

Life is Strange: True Colors – Xbox One Price in Dubai, UAE

 AED  149.00

In Life is Strange: True Colors on Xbox One, Alex Chen is on a quest to solve the mystery surrounding her brother’s death. Using her psychic power of empathy she discovers shocking secrets in the small mining town, Haven Springs. Embrace her supernatural ability to uncover the truth and reveal the mysteries buried by the town. Embark on a journey that will change fate and lives.

 AED  149.00

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  • The Truth Hurts – Discover the shocking secrets behind your brother’s death in an emotional roller-coaster of an adventure.
  • Forge Deep Relationships – Build trust with the townsfolk – and embrace friendship or romance with Ryan and Steph.
  • A Personal Story – Make tough decisions and choose your own future. Freely roam the streets, stores, and hidden spaces of Haven Springs and meet unforgettable characters.
  • Use Your Powers – Use your supernatural ability to absorb and manipulate the strong emotions of others.
  • Find Your Style – Decide Alex’s style, with up to 24 outfits in your wardrobe.
  • Exclusive Soundtrack – New tracks by mxmtoon and Novo Amor, and extensive licensed songs including Radiohead, Phoebe Bridgers, Gabrielle Aplin, and more.